I’m Not Telling You It Is Going To Be Easy, I’m Telling You It’s Going To Be Worth It.-Anonymous

In addition to Individualized Therapy, we offer both Adolescent(10+) and Adult(18+) Peer Support Groups within the following categories:

RELAPSE PREVENTION-aims to limit or prevent relapses by helping you anticipate circumstances that are likely to promote a relapse. The goal is to create a strategy to help you cope with high-risk situations in advance to assist with triggers that lead to relapse. Overdose survivors are welcome to attend.

SURVIVOR’S GUILT-supports overdose survivors and the individuals who love them. Examines feelings associated with “aftermath”, shame, and guilt. Explores harm-reduction strategies and MAT(Medication Assisted Treatment) options

CELEBRATING LGBTQIA+-creating a safe and affirming space to examine obstacles, explore interests , and identify substance use preventative methods related to stressors, relapse, microaggressions, and other concerns.

ANGER MANAGEMENT- this 12 week psycho-therapeutic certificate program is facilitated by a Certified Anger Management Specialist and provides an innovative approach to how we view anger. Skills to assist with anger prevention and control will be taught. Underlining feelings and triggers that contribute to anger will also be explored within this forum.

DRUG AND PSYCHOEDUCATION -exploration of illicit drugs, prescription abuse, signs associated with addiction, and preventative methods to deter experimental substance use will all be examined during this group. This forum will also explore the Science of Addiction and what you can do if you suspect drug use amongst someone that you love.

GRANDIOUS GAMING-cultivates awareness of healthy technology use while learning to open up and build connections with fellow group members. This peer support group encourages discussion surrounding dangers of “raging” while promoting balance, communication and creative alternatives to “screen time”

TRIUMPH N TRANSITIONING- supports and encourages individuals to confront fears and alleviate worries associated with difficult life transitions and changes. Challenging transitions might occur in any phase of our lives from middle school and high school to “adulting” or Re-Entry. This group promotes self advocacy, social-emotional learning skills, and tools needed to explore and overcome challenges such as but not limited to; bullying, peer pressure, grief/loss, relocation, and parental separation while identifying and processing associated feelings.


What are the benefits of peer support groups?

According to SAMSHA, peer support groups promote healthy interactions between people who have shared similar experiences. In addition to inspiring hope, peer support groups offer a level of acceptance, understanding, and validation needed to foster trust and self-confidence.

How does peer support promote healing and recovery?

Peer support offers practical guidance to assist individuals with developing their own goals, to create strategies for self-empowerment, to employ the concrete steps towards building fulfillment, and to encourage the promotion of resilience.

Why Individual Counseling sessions?

Individual Counseling allows individuals to explore their feelings, beliefs, and behaviors while working through challenging or influential memories. Individual Therapy encourages clients to identify aspects of their lives that they would like to change and better understand in addition to, set personal goals, and working toward desired change.

What if I struggle with social anxiety?

Although peer support groups promote social interaction, we understand that there may be times when individuals may not feel comfortable or may even be intimidated in social settings, especially when first starting out. Virtual support groups give participants an alternative by opted to stay anonymous by either using a nickname, turning their cameras off or communicating via the “chat box” if emotions surrounding social anxiety arise during group sessions. Diesel Therapeutics’ Clinical and Professional staff value safe, non-discriminatory, virtual(telehealth) spaces and will always be available throughout the group session. This means that staff will be present at all times to assist participants when intense emotions arise, to promote compassionate redirection, and to employ guidance and support during your peer facilitated group.

How do I know if Diesel Therapeutics Counseling and Consulting is the right fit for me?

You actually won’t know if you don’t give it a try. But what we do know is that in addition to the trained and professional staff, Diesel Therapeutics promotes compassion and inclusiveness with participants who are dealing with similar challenges. We provide specific peer support groups that cater to a wide range of issues so there is no need to worry about “fitting in.” Most importantly, each group has both an Adolescence (10+) and Adult offering. Still Curious?? Ask how you can try out ONE FREE peer support group of your choice during your consultation.